Revealed... How To Defeat Viruses Faster With Safe, Highly Effective, Little-Known Anti-Viral Remedies
Nobody Today Can Afford to be Ignorant of Viruses and Their Tricks
As pointed out by a recent (2020) paper in AIMS Microbiology journal:
"The rapidly changing global landscapes, local environments, the huge population growth, and urbanization in many developing countries and progress in the development of transport have created greater opportunities for the emergence and spread of viral diseases."
[AIMS Microbiol. 2020; 6(4): 470–494]
You have to learn the facts. It could be a matter of life and death!
That’s the reason for my latest education program: saving lives through spreading knowledge. There is SO MUCH to know about this formidable enemy and yet most of the knowledge is suppressed, because of vested interests and Big Pharma shills, who only want to protect their profits and who are perfectly happy to let people die through ignorance, knowing that they could have been saved.
Max Langden, writing for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, March 16, 2023, had this to say:
In the recent pandemic, a common reason many people died is the failure to use widely available, highly effective, safe, and inexpensive treatments that have proven to drastically reduce morbidity and mortality from this disease. Over the last several centuries and especially within the last decades, we have gained a huge amount of medical knowledge about biochemistry and nutrition -- and how important this is for maintaining a strong, resilient body and immune system. For example, cardiologist Dr. Thomas Levy wrote entire books that describe how extremely high dose vitamin C can treat or cure a wide spectrum of infectious diseases. He cites more than 1,000 studies and reports from doctors and scientists who published lifesaving results from the use of nutrition supplements.
[Levy TE (2011) Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins, 3rd Edition. Medfox Pub. ISBN-13: 978-0977952021
Too many people know nothing about these results. The problem is that those in the medical establishment who have the most power have interests other than health and welfare. They are interested in money and profits. Additional problems that may be responsible for the fact that millions of people have died unnecessarily from the pandemic include: ideologies, ignorance, a desire of control, unknowingness due to failure or unwillingness to consult other medical experts such as orthomolecular practitioners.
During the COVID-19-pandemic, those [disadvantaged] patients who got very sick from the viral illness and were thus hospitalized on average had a 13% (95% confidence interval: 9 to 17%) fatality rate.
However, a valuable successful early treatment protocol with synergistic combinations of cheap repurposed drugs and vitamins like the one from Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson (from California) proved to be safe in keeping almost all patients from being hospitalized. Yet their protocol has been ignored, even though a study had confirmed that the thousands of patients who were treated early by those doctors had a 99.8% lower risk of death from COVID-19 than a control group comprising other patients from the same county.
[Tyson BM, Fareed G, Guiterrez EB, et al. (2022) Low rates of hospitalization and death in 4,376 COVID-19 patients given early ambulatory medical and supportive care. A case series and observational study. Substack preprint,]
They were ignored even after they informed the governments and health agencies about their excellent success rate. In addition to early treatment, they have also developed late treatment protocols. Those protocols have drastically reduced the risk of death of patients who were hospitalized (due to the failure to administer early treatment).
[to learn more from OMNS:]
But what’s to know? Isn’t virology a specialist subject, that only university boffins can understand? No, not true.
Firstly, we all share the same risks and dangers. Everyone is entitled to be in possession of full information of what a virus threat really means. There are no “private” viruses though, shockingly, the United States CDC has manipulated the US Patent and Trademark Office to grant them a “patent” on the SARS-Cov-2 virus (even more shockingly, they did this in December 2019, two months before COVID-19 was announced!)
Secondly, the official solutions are often restricted, narrowly targeted and kept as exclusive proprietary properties. People have a natural right to protect themselves in any way they choose. There is NO obligation to adopt herd solutions and, in any case, there are no herd solutions—just marketing ploys (like getting vaccinated “to protect others”).
Playing On Fears
Anyone alert in these days of stiff censorship and covert psyops to keep people ignorant and frightened, will know the official agenda is not just flawed, it’s crookedly false.
This is backed by media cartels who are under orders to play down any good news and create fear and chaos, using lies and false statistics. CNN are masters at these terror tactics. They have developed this concept of “fake news” and “misinformation” to suppress what people need to know to remain safe.
But mainstream media is all misinformation (it has been forever, from long before the COVID-19 “outbreak”).

It’s clear as day they don’t WANT people to learn simple, effective safety measures and become relaxed. Fear is their product. They can produce it in bucketloads.
What is perhaps scary is that nobody knows who “they” are. Clearly there are major cartels—in league with Tech Giants and, it has been suggested, the Chinese communist government—with an agenda of world control. But who is behind them?
Who knows how this massive scam will play out? People have been on the march all over the world, protesting their sovereignty and human rights. BUT THIS IS NEVER SHOWN ON MAINSTREAM MEDIA, EVEN WHEN 10,000s ARE DEMONSTRATING.
And governments, with a few exceptions, never listen. You have to wonder who is getting paid what, in exchange for what, and by who?
What Are They Planning Next?

Most of us have the uneasy feeling that so-called COVID-19 was a manufactured disease. Mouthy individuals like Bill Gates have made statements which actually amount to threats: that we needed to prepare for a pandemic and rehearse how to respond (2018).
Gates already made several anti-human remarks about wanting the population of earth reduced, hinting that widespread mass deaths are desirable.
He has put money into funding concerns which unquestionably over-estimated the threat of the COVID-19 and led to the crazy panic we endured over the last 3 years. But did you know he’s now talking about the “next” pandemic. And it’s coming, he assures us. Well, if Gates part of the scam he would know that wouldn’t he.
So you need to be ready. You need to study and have available a bunch of effective anti-viral therapies for self-administration. Because if globalist control and population reduction is their aim, we don’t want you and those you love to become casualties.
And I’m not talking folk remedies. What I have for you is on the scale of an atom bomb against a firecracker.
It’s About Natural Health and Healing!
Here is what I've got for you...
Firstly, you’ll enjoy going down the rabbit hole with me: what are viruses, really? CLUE: nobody really knows.

We’ll look at how they spread and why viruses can be so deadly dangerous, while yet the vast majority of viruses are harmless. What makes them switch from innocent to deadly, sometimes overnight? ANOTHER CLUE: Nobody really knows!
I list the top 10 scariest viruses, every one of which you wouldn’t want to encounter. Once it was safe to think “I’ll never meet them; what does it matter.” But that’s not really true and never was. The deadliest virus of all (virtually 100% fatal, once contracted) exists in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. The WHO website tells us that 59,000 a year die from this one virus. Theoretically, you could be among them.
It's a horrible way to die that you would not wish even on your worst enemy.
Even deadly Ebola and Marburg—without question the 2nd and 3rd deadliest of all viruses (up to 90% fatal)—have already jumped from Africa and emerged in a small town in Connecticut and another in Germany, so far only outbreaks among laboratory animals. BUT WE ARE LIVING ON BORROWED TIME.
Death by these brutes is so quick and gruesome that even biohazard experts are terrified of them and are willing to wear a hazmat suit in temperatures of 100 degrees, rather than take any chances.
The Hot Zone
Richard Preston’s 1994 book The Hot Zone, documents the frightening emergence of these killer viruses. Horror writer Stephen King admitted “The first chapter of The Hot Zone is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read in my whole life… and then it gets worse!”
The late, great science fact and fiction author Arthur C. Clarke said this was “One of the most terrifying books I’ve ever read.” But it’s not fiction. It has already happened and some of it within sight of the Washington Monument.
As remarked above, world conditions are now poised for the sudden emergence of any unfamiliar pathogen. There could be a (real or deliberately contrived) pandemic any day. Air travel is now at a level where a virus could evolve in one country and be in fifty other countries within a matter of days, in some cases within HOURS.
Most people do not know that an increasing number of cancers are viral in origin. Denis Burkitt, who I met personally while at med school, discovered the first example, a rapidly fatal cancer of the immune system, now known as Burkitt’s lymphoma.
Epstein-Barr virus is probably the best-known cancer-causing virus. It can lead to Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and some forms of Hodgkin’s disease.
It has also lately been implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS).
EBV is also documented to have profound psychological effects, up to and including psychotic states and schizophrenia. Not surprising, since it is a stealth pathogen known to hide in B lymphocytes in the brain.
Papillomaviruses can cause Cervical Carcinoma, Anal Carcinoma, Oropharyngeal Carcinoma and Penile Carcinoma.
Herpesvirus type 8, Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus, can cause Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Primary Effusion Lymphoma, Multicentric Castleman’s Disease.
And, last example, Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus can lead to liver cancer (primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma).
You need to get the idea that viruses are getting horribly scary and are messing up
our lives, BIG TIME!
Not ALL Viruses Are Killers
Thankfully not. But they can make our lives an absolute misery. There is one “family” of viruses that absolutely plagues humankind. Do you know which they are and why they are such bad news?
It’s important to grasp that viruses are not just pathogens. You won’t get infected or hurt if you are in good shape. So what do you think are the main factors in maintaining your resistance to infection? I’ll go into that too.
One of the remedies I will teach you was so effective against epidemics and pandemics of the past, it makes orthodox medicine look dangerous and the mishandling of the recent pandemic look grossly incompetent.
In the great typhus epidemic of 1813, using this method to treat 180 patients, only 2 died (0.1%). The mortality rate of the orthodox doctors was 30%!
And look, during a dengue outbreak in Delhi in 1996, the Central Council for Research into this method distributed (free to all) this remedy to 39,200 people residing in the adversely affected areas. A follow-up after 10 days revealed appearance of fever, headache and body aches in five persons only. That’s roughly 0.0001%!
During the Spanish flu’ of 1918 and the British diphtheria epidemic of 1947, these horribly fatal diseases were almost entirely survived by patients treated with the method I’ll explain to you. Indeed, during the diphtheria epidemic, not one child died while taking this treatment, while outside the hospital walls, where the disease raged unchecked, the mortality rate was close to 50%.
Make no mistake: although diphtheria is a rare disease today, it was once the scourge of children, with a very high mortality. In the records of three years of Diphtheria in Broome County, NY from 1862 to 1864, there was an 83.6% mortality rate among the orthodox doctors (which is terrible) and yet a mortality rate of only 16.4% among the doctors using this method.
It happens to be dirt cheap (pennies on the dollar) so Big Pharma will do everything possible to suppress this method and try to ridicule it. “It can’t possibly work, therefore it’s a fraud.” has been their driving slogan for years.
Next My Dirty Dozen
I list my top 12 choices of effective anti-viral remedies… and here’s a clue:
In fact they are all actively and hostilely attacked by Big Pharma, which wants to keep people sick, to protect it’s profits.

Remdesivir (VEKLURY®) is probably more deadly than the COVID virus. Its use killed tens of thousands and was almost entirely ineffective. Not that Gilead Sciences, the manufacturers of remdesivir, really cared… their drug had become “official” and therefore unnecessary deaths were just considered collateral.
On 8 October, 2022, the company penned an agreement to supply the European Union with its drug remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19—a deal potentially worth more than $1 billion.
Two weeks later, on 22 October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved remdesivir for use against the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the United States—the first drug to receive that status. The EU and U.S. decisions paved the way for Gilead's drug into two major markets, both with soaring COVID-19 cases.
But both decisions baffled honest scientists—who have closely watched the clinical trials of remdesivir unfold over that 6 months—and who still have many questions about remdesivir's worth. At best, one large, well-designed study found remdesivir modestly reduced the time to recover from COVID-19 in hospitalized patients with severe illness. A few smaller studies found no impact of treatment on the disease whatsoever. Then, on 15 October the fourth and largest controlled study delivered what some believed was a coup de grâce: The World Health Organization's (WHO's) Solidarity trial showed that remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.
Yet it was approved without the FDA calling in its review body consisting of outside experts, called the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee (AMDAC).
With bent cronies in high places, who needs science to get a drug approved?
But what about vaccinations, you say, hasn’t that been a triumph in conquering virus diseases? So many diseases have been virtually eliminated by mass vaccination programs.
That’s just NOT TRUE!
Vaccinations have had very little impact at all on the elimination of deadly viral diseases! Take a look at the this graph, showing the decline in deaths due to measles in the United Kingdom, over the space of one and a half centuries. It’s a triumph, of course. What do you really see?

The introduction of a measles vaccine in the 1970s HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT WHATEVER ON THE TREND. Not even a little bit!
Deadly measles was already rendered 98% less deadly by simple socio-political measures, such as proper education, more nutritious diets, public hygiene and changes in housing (less crowding).
I’m not against vaccinations, where these are safe and effective. Even the best ones, like rabies, may be 100% effective BUT IT’S STILL ROUGH ON THE PATIENT (better than dying horribly of rabies, that’s all).
Some offer no real benefit, such as Gardasil, which kills or incapacitates young girls, or influenza (worthless, despite all the hype).
Milestone Development
This is without doubt a milestone program. It’s been missing for decades but now you have it! You’ll learn the best of modern science about the emerging virus menace.
Viruses are EVERYWHERE. In you, on you, on your loved ones, in the air, in the water, in your food. We have evolved despite them. And they have evolved, continuously, to keep up the deadly attack against us.
Most people have NO IDEA. They think viruses cause coughs and colds, the flu, childhood spotty rashes, like measles and chicken pox, and that’s about it.
The truth is, in our times, that you live or die, according to how much you and your body defenses can face down the virus menace surrounding us. I repeat what I said above:
Nobody Today Can Afford To be Ignorant of Viruses and Their Tricks

The Psychological Overwhelm
It isn’t just about toxins, the immune system, natural defenses, herd immunity or any of the other “physical” factors. There is often a psychological burden, especially during times of a pandemic.
According to professor Bessel Van Der Kolk MD: For most patients, the COVID-19 crisis has created a “new normal.” They may be stuck at home, unable to work, or feeling isolated from dear friends and family.
This all can leave people feeling helpless, which is scary. In fact Van der Kolk says this is the definition of trauma: when you are not free to do what you always do. You can’t change what you want to change. You are not in control.
WELL YOU CAN! You are only helpless when the government takes away your rights and you have to accept what you are told.
WE DON’T NEED INFECTIOUS DISEASE EXPERTS. We just need a basic understanding of what to do to kill viruses that come along, without the use of Big Pharma’s deadly “solutions”.
According to Bessel, there are insights we can draw from trauma therapy that could help patients when they’re feeling helpless or reeling from the unpredictability of life during a pandemic. Once you become traumatized, you live in a timeless world of helplessness and anyone honest would admit that many people are already in this state, as a result of the socio-political *shit storm* of fake statistics, wearying political power grabs and idiot, unproven regulations.
These unfortunate individuals cannot deal with the issues. They are staring dazed into the headlights, waiting for the government to “do something”… a new vaccine, a drug to help them, make other people go away, anything…
You can be “Professor of Your Own Life”! You don’t need experts, pharma shills and academic fools telling you what to do, treating you as if you were just one of the so-called “herd”!
So What's On Offer?
It’s a rescue gift a bundle, from me to you…
It’s a lifetime investment, meaning you can go back to it and re-study it all, as often as you like.
Plus! You’ll Get These 4 FREE Special Bonuses
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In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a robust immune system is crucial to staying healthy and resilient. This comprehensive guide provides you with invaluable insights and practical tips to strengthen your body's defenses against illnesses and viruses.
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Feeling like I'm getting my life back. Yay
After reading the virus book, I have been taking my nebuliser 3x daily with H202 and iodine, and taking 5g ascorbic acid powder daily as a drink which is my threshold as Im only 57kg. Oh and taking 2 tsp of my seaweed extract. After 5 days of this protocol I am feeling on top of the world and not going to bed exhausted anymore and waking up fresh. Such a simple protocol and yet so effective.
Of course I don't have sugar in my diet, don’t eat nightshades and eat from our organic gardens.
Feeling like I'm getting my life back, Yay
Nicole, NZ

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